The amount of money required to be seen as rich has risen over the past years amid inflation, with younger people having a lower wealth benchmark, according to a recent survey by financial services company Charles Schwab.
“Americans now think it takes an average of $2.5 million to be considered wealthy—which is up slightly from 2023 and 2022 ($2.2 million),” reads an Aug. 21 statement by the company.
“By generation, Boomers have the highest threshold of what it takes to be considered wealthy, at $2.8 million, while the younger generations, Millennials and Gen Z, have lower thresholds of what is considered wealthy” at only $1.2 million, it adds.
California had the highest wealth expectations, with respondents from San Francisco saying it takes $4.4 million to be considered rich. Southern California was at the second spot with $3.4 million. Dallas, Phoenix, and Houston had the lowest thresholds at $2.2 million to $2.3 million.
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