Can Alzheimer’s Brain Toxins Be Cleared by Core Nutrients, Deep Sleep, Qigong?

Is Alzheimer’s disease a result of toxins that trigger brain inflammation? Can nurturing brain lymphatic flow boost toxic clearance?

The body’s internal system of “drains and aqueducts,” the lymphatics, has been known for some time. Brain lymphatics, though, are a new discovery—and their role in defusing conditions like Alzheimer’s has only just started to be understood.

“If [tau particles] can’t get cleared from the system, they build up ... and become toxic,” says Dr. Gerald Lemole, retired professor of surgery at Thomas Jefferson University.

“They bundle up and kill nerve cells,” he adds, highlighting one scenario where blocked lymphatic flow could trigger brain inflammation and subsequently Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Lemole enlightened to the import of body lymphatics in the earliest days of heart-transplant surgery in America: When the first round of successful transplant patients all died within two years, his investigation found a failure of lymphatics to be the reason.

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brown brain decor in selective-focus photography by Robina Weermeijer is licensed under

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