What’s more out of touch than rolling out a health care plan with your boss’ infamous old “if you like your health care plan … you can keep it” lie? Unveiling one that’s chock-full of pro-abortion mandates.
Former Vice President Joe Biden — a supposed moderate in the 2020 Democratic field — released his health care plan on Monday, and it’s incredibly extreme on abortion for someone thought of as a “moderate” Democrat (not to mention a self-described Catholic who says he’s personally opposed to abortion).
In the proposal, Biden reiterated his newfound support for repealing the Hyde Amendment, on which he publicly reversed course earlier this year after taking criticism from pro-abortion voices on the issue. (That flip-flop didn’t do much for his numbers.) After decades of support for the amendment, Biden says he now opposes barring federal funds from going directly to abortions because “health care is a right that should not be dependent on one’s zip code or income.”
Additionally, Biden says he wants to offer a Medicare-style “public option” for health insurance, which — naturally — covers abortion. Biden’s campaign also promises to “codify Roe v. Wade, and his Justice Department will do everything in its power to stop the rash of state laws that so blatantly violate the constitutional right to an abortion.”
One type of pro-life law that Biden singles out in the proposal is parental consent laws, i.e. laws that say minor-aged girls must get their parents’ consent before having their children killed in utero. While many states have them, 13 and the District of Columbia do not.