Congressman Jerry Nadler: Rising NYC crime only an illusion

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  • Source: NY Post
  • 04/15/2023

The Judiciary Committee’s top Democrat wants everyone to know that surging Big Apple crime is only an illusion manufactured by the party’s political enemies.

Manhattan Congressman Jerry Nadler said he will come out swinging in defense of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg during the panel’s Monday hearing in New York.

The hearing will focus on the victims of Bragg’s soft-on-crime policies.

“We will show the essentially fraudulent nature of what [committee chair] Jim Jordan and company are claiming about the crime rates in New York and compared to other cities, including Republican-led cities,” Nadler told The Post.

“And we will talk about how this whole hearing is part of Jim Jordan and the Republicans’ general attempts to obstruct justice and to attack the DA in Manhattan and to obstruct justice in the Trump case,” he added, referring to the president’s indictment in Manhattan last month.


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