Democrat Prospects Are Bleak As The Wacky Pack Takes Over

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  • Source: Townhall
  • 08/20/2020
Donald Trump is the odds-on fave to win reelection, and the Republicans can take back the House and keep the Senate if they aren’t stupid and incompetent – meaning it’s far from a done deal. But the Democrats are in a terrible position. The just and satisfying utter humiliation of crusty establishment hack Bob Mueller left them without a lot of good options going forward, since not being leftist idiots is obviously off the table. What do they do now that the entire soft coup hoax is a heap of garbage smoldering in the dumpster of American politics? 

Do they stick with Putin paranoia? Do they pivot to talking about their party’s platform? “Hey America, let’s invite the entire world in and you get to pay for their stuff. And also for everyone else’s college. And you also get to repay the debt you don’t owe to people who weren’t slaves. And we’re banning SUVs and BBQs because of the weather in 2119. Vote Democrat!” This is not a viable policy program, except in the freaks how hothouse of some pinko-filled town hall conducted by the Socialist Squaw, Spartacus or Beto, who is a furry.

The Democrats are in a quandary. They can’t live with Russiagate and they can’t live without it. This is what happens when you get stuck because the quicksand you’re currently trapped in is less quick and less sandy than the quicksand you’d be stepping into.

One option is to shut their eyes real tight, cover their ears and screech, “La la la la la la I can’t hear you!” This is why we were treated to the phenom of the Marxist marionettes on the MSNBCNNs and at the WaPos, as well as the commie blue checks on Twitter (whose new lay-out sucks – how come social media evolution always seems to mean that the product gets worse?), panicking for a bit before calming down and settling on a post-Mueller testimony narrative, which was essentially, “What Mueller testimony?” 

They simply deny the reality that his appearance on Capitol Hill will go down in history somewhere between Hiroshima and Nagasaki and proceed apace with their quest for the Holy Fail. The cliché used to be that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, but now the progs seem to think that if you repeat a lie often enough people will just get tired of the endless amateur gaslighting, shrug and give up.
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