General Michael Flynn’s Attorney has released a 3-page ‘open-letter’ to former President Barack Obama. Labeled ‘Open Memorandum’ Titled ‘Re: Your Failure to Find Precedent for Flynn Dismissal’ Powell unleashes on Obama specifically; something few have done with regard to Flynn. The letter begins: “Regarding the decision of the Department of Justice to dismiss charges against General Flynn, in your recent call with your alumni, you express great concern: ‘there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free.”
“Here is some help,” Powell writes in response to Obama’s quote. “If truth and precedent represent your true concern. Your statement is entirely false.” Not only false but Obama’s statement “does explain the damage to the Rule of Law throughout your administration.”
First, begins Powell, not only was Flynn not charged with perjury but “a perjury prosecution would have been appropriate and the Rule of Law applied if the Justice Department prosecuted your former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for his multiple lies under oath in an investigation of a leak only he knew he caused” Powell explains.
Not only did McCabe lie under oath as transcripts with the Inspector General of the DOJ show, but, “he knew he was the leaker. McCabe even lied about lying. He lied to his own agents – which sent them on a ‘wild-goose-chase’ – thereby making his lies ‘material’ and obstruction of justice. Yet, remarkably, Attorney General Barr declined to prosecute McCabe for these offenses.”