House Holds Impeachment Hearing Snubbed by Hunter Biden

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-M.D.) pushed back against Republicans’ efforts to impeach President Joe Biden and immediately referred to Democrat witness, former Rudy Guiliani associate Lev Parnas.

“He was Rudy Giuliani's right-hand man, globe-trotting business partner and language interpreter in the mission to manufacture Ukraine and Burisma-related dirt and smears against Joe Biden.

“In 2018 and 2019 he spent all of his time traveling around the world trying to stage evidence against Joe Biden. In his letter, Parnas explains that the desperate search to find evidence of any kind of Biden corruption was a complete and total bust because there was no evidence to find.

“He wrote to tell us that not only is there no evidence in Ukraine that Joe Biden did anything improper, but more darkly, [a] manic search for a smoking gun against Biden became a mission to invent and concoct evidence out of thin air with the active help of Russian intelligence assets,” Mr. Raskin said.

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