Mr. Trump, there are warning signs on the horizon about a second term. Do you see them?

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 08/20/2020
During a December 2015 debate among Republican presidential candidates, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told Donald Trump, "You can’t insult your way to the presidency."

Never mind.

The question for next year’s election is whether the insulter-in-chief can use the same tactic to win a second term.

It depends on two other questions: who the Democrats end up nominating and whether voters see that person as too far left (as the leading candidates unarguably are) and two, whether enough voters who held their noses and voted for Trump last time will be sufficiently turned off that they will stay home.

Yes, early polls are usually meaningless, but there are warning signs that should be heeded.

A new Fox News poll suggests potential problems for the president on the second question. The president’s favorite network (until recently when he began criticizing the goose laying golden eggs for him) shows his disapproval rating has soared to 56 percent, one point lower than his record high in October 2017. His disapproval numbers ticked up sharply last month, rising 5 percent.
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