On Friday night into Saturday morning, more than 46,000 tweets were posted using the hashtag, making it one of the top trending topics. But Twitter users with verified accounts were considerably more cool to the trend. Only eleven of them participated, including several Fox News personalities and two people who were not actually so supportive of Carlson.
In order, they were Fox News and Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, who kicked things off by writing “Everyone must #StandWithTuckerCarlson thank you Tucker for #truth pls keep going.”
Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett wrote “In a democracy, opinions freely expressed should neither be feared nor silenced. #StandWithTuckerCarlson.”
Former ballplayer-turned-radio host Joe Pagliarulo was more voluble, and also smelled a rat, writing “I’ve interviewed @TuckerCarlson and have watched him for some time. He always makes sure what he says is fact and backs it up over and over,” but then added “p.s. it’s the top trend but not suggested by @Twitter. Go figure!”