Trump attacks Joe Biden’s stability: He’s ‘not playing with a full deck’

President Trump on Friday questioned Democratic front-runner Joe Biden’s mental stability over the former veep’s comments charging that Trump’s rhetoric targeting immigrants energized white supremacists.

“Look, Joe is not playing with a full deck. I saw his comment. Joe Biden is not playing with a full deck. This is not somebody you can have as your president,” Trump said as he was leaving the White House for a fundraising trip to the Hamptons and a weekend at his New Jersey golf club.

Biden also put his foot in his mouth Thursday when he told a group of mostly Asian and Hispanic voters that “poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids,” a comment caught on video  and later released by the Trump campaign.

Biden’s campaign said Friday he “misspoke and immediately corrected himself” and drew a contrast between his comments and Trump’s rhetoric.

“Joe Biden has spent his life fighting for civil rights and the dignity of all people. The Trump campaign posting the video without the Vice President’s immediate correction is patently disingenuous — and it’s no coincidence this comes days after Joe Biden laid out how this president emboldens white nationalism and embraces racism,” deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said in a statement.
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