No TV show, no movie, no sporting event, no yard work, no book, no video game will be more important than you investing the time to watch this video this weekend . . . trust me!
In this extremely important video Attorney General Bill Barr explains the dire threat to ALL AMERICANS caused by the intentional attacks on people of faith and their religious values, and to the very existence of our nation, from the policies of the secular left. Policies which have been promoted and implemented by the elected officials whom many people of faith have consistently voted for and intend to vote for going forward.
All American's, especially Agnostics, Atheists, Jews, Gays, and people who hold secular values, need to hear and understand the historical truths and legal facts that AG Barr presents so clearly in this speech. Then we all must take the time to carefully think about what we actually know as truth, what we really believe, and what each of us are intentionally doing to ourselves, to our children and families, and to our nation, with our votes going forward.
After viewing this video their can be no ambiguity, each of us will know exactly what we are doing when we cast our votes - and we will be personally responsible for the outcomes those votes create for us, for our fellow citizens, and for the world.
People of Faith should share this video with their Pastor, Priest or Rabbi and then ask them to show it at your Church or Temple and discuss the contents of the speech with the entire congregation.
Please share this video with everyone you know, by forwarding this email or by just copying this link and pasting it in your email or on your facebook or twitter post:
If you would like to read the written version of the speech - CLICK HERE.
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