
Newt Gingrich: President Trump willing to take economic risks to deal with China
President Trump is still willing to take the necessary risks to “deal” with China despite talk from many quarters about a potential economic downturn, Newt Gingrich said Thursday Read More.
What Could Sink Trump’s Chances in 2020?
Anything can happen before November 2020, from a hurricane to a third-party candidate Read More.
What Could Sink Trump’s Chances in 2020?
Anything can happen before November 2020, from a hurricane to a third-party candidate Read More.
Even Joe Biden's Campaign Can't Think of a Good Reason to Vote for Joe Biden
Critics are responding harshly to comments made by Dr. Jill Biden Monday in which she claimed that even if Democratic primary voters prefer the policies of other 2020 candidates over those of her husband, former Vice President Joe Biden, they should vote for Biden anyway because he’s more electable Read More.
Even Joe Biden's Campaign Can't Think of a Good Reason to Vote for Joe Biden
Critics are responding harshly to comments made by Dr. Jill Biden Monday in which she claimed that even if Democratic primary voters prefer the policies of other 2020 candidates over those of her husband, former Vice President Joe Biden, they should vote for Biden anyway because he’s more electable Read More.
Socialism: An Indifferent Government Made of Fallible People
The case of Tawanna Hilliard, winner of the Lois Lerner award Read More.
Trump reverses, says he's not looking at any tax cuts
President Trump on Wednesday backtracked on his interest in a set of tax cuts he had just one day earlier said the White House was discussing Read More.
Facebook Audit Results Rile Liberals And Conservatives
Results of a Facebook audit released Tuesday, finding that the social media company has “significant work” to do to satisfy concerns from conservatives, are drawing criticism from both liberals and conservatives alike Read More.
Trump defends family detention as best option for migrant children
President Trump said Wednesday he has children in mind with his administration’s new policy Wednesday to hold illegal immigrant families in detention, parents and children together, while they await their deportation hearings Read More.
Joe Biden misplaces Kennedy and King assassinations in the 'late '70s'
2020 Democratic front-runner Joe Biden mistakenly said during a Tuesday speech that the assassinations of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. happened "in the late '70s." Read More.
Mr. Trump, there are warning signs on the horizon about a second term. Do you see them?
During a December 2015 debate among Republican presidential candidates, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told Donald Trump, "You can’t insult your way to the presidency." Read More.
Trump says White House looking at payroll tax cut
President Trump on Tuesday confirmed the White House is discussing a temporary payroll tax cut as a strategy to boost the economy, even as he maintains the country's economic outlook remains strong Read More.
Beto and the Press Throw America under the Bus
Beto O’Rourke has taken the measure of America and found it wanting Read More.
Reid: Medicare for All, Decriminalizing Border Crossing Bad Ideas
'Of course' the proposals would be problematic in the general election Read More.

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